As an aside here, I took a interest inventory test at work and I got the results back this week. Culinary Arts is my second highest interest (first is taxes and accounting – I am going to be a cooking accountant!) I’d be investing in my interest if I got the super cool appliances – some people pick photography, others pick camping, me I pick my kitchen. Now I just have to convince Hubby of this!
I am like a crack addict when I go to an appliance store and I am sure the sales people see me coming. The sales guy starts in on the amazing benefits of an induction cook top. How it cooks like gas with even and immediate heat but is electric; how it’s cool to the touch (awesome if you have kids you know!) And on and on. Practical me says: but won’t I have to get special pots?(meanwhile spendy me says pots smots, you could use a new set!!) Oh no he replys, if magnets stick to your old pots, you won’t have a problem. So the first thing I do when I get home? Run to the cupboard and pull out a pot to see if a magnet will stick – NO it doesn’t.
I am hoping that appliance wholesaler that the builder works with will come through with some good deals but I am not holding my breath!